It’s been more than decades and still people are debating over the topic that, amount of water one should drink to keep themselves hydrated. Water is a pristine resource that aids body growth, helps to flush out toxins and waste, aids digestion and makes chemical reactions happen in the body. But it is very important that to avail these benefits one must drink pure water purified from Best Water Purifier Systems. Due to this more and more families are driven to drink Bottled water.
Water has always been distinguished as the only drink that works as a panacea to reduce weight but a shocking new study has revealed that too much bottles water can be your cause of obesity!!
This study is a direct blow to the well known fact that was previously held, that each individual needs some amount of bottled water daily. The group of researchers has proved that too much bottled water can make you fat.
One of the experts explains, the person who usually consumes bottled water is likely to suffer from Vanity Paralytics Syndrome, which affects the intestines by tightening them to an unnatural degree. This also makes the sufferer believe he or she is too illustrious to dispose of their body's waste in the normal manner, so they become addicted to colonic irrigation. The reprocessed bottled water contains traces of Polymeric Pertasimate-a chemical used in the (water) reprocessing method, and believed to be harmful to the human body if consumed in large doses. This chemical stays settles in persons system a lot longer than a person with normal self-induced bowel movements.
Polymeric Pertasimate, is heated due to the chemical reaction constantly occurring in the intestines and henceforth attacks the thyroid gland causing it not to function properly, and thus the person slowly becomes obese.
So, beware if you are caught in a frenzy of drinking bottled water, moreover this also adds to the menace of plastic waste too. A Water purifier machine is the right choice if you really are a caring person.